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Framed by Ivy

Framed by Ivy

A forever love withstands the test of time, like the faithful Ivy its bond cannot be broken.

''This design was created during a time all nations were urged to stay apart in order to protect those we love. In troubled times I found my solace by walking through the woods and countryside. During each visit I passed ivy covered trees. I admire ivy for it's determination, vigour and longevity. Against all odds the faithful ivy forms a strong bond which remains constant throughout the year. I wanted my design to symbolise the unity we share with those we love .'' - Amanda White, voted People's Bead winner 2020

The “Framed by Ivy” bead can encompass a precious round gemstone or pearl.

The price is for the bead only.

  • Item No.: TAGBE-40123
  • Weight: 3.14 g
  • Main Material: Silver 925
Designer: Amanda White

Designer Amanda White

Designer Amanda White

Amanda was born in Buckinghamshire (United Kingdom) in 1976, the same year the Trollbeads story began. From a young age she developed an interest in drawing and painting. She sees as a gift, a talent that she inherited from her mother. Amanda has studied Art & Design at University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Her profession is Graphic Design, where she works as a Creative Artworker.

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